Tuesday, February 3, 2015

To be written: The main reason why we didn't adopt

There is a blog post that has been in my mind at least for the last two years.
It has a title The main reason why we didn't adopt.
The reason includes one once dear person so it is not easy to write about it.
If you are interested, do visit my blog in a week or two.


  1. I understand the "one dear person" concept. So many of my blog posts go unpublished because of one or two people. Instead of reading what I am trying to say, they look for offense.

  2. I will. I haven't fully written my part of that story either. I have one drafted. Just not posted.

    1. I am looking to reading your full story of that one day.

  3. I'm looking forward to reading this post, too! Like others I also have this post drafted (as well as two about religion/god) that I haven't published yet for one reason or another.

    Maybe we should all post our "why we didn't adopt" at the same time. Strength in numbers, you know?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. dear BnB, I think it is a wonderful idea, to choose a day and post at the same time!
      I checked this list of international days:

      I am suggesting Saturday, 28th February 2015 as the First International Day of Women who couldn't have a child an who didn't adopt (I am not a native speaker, so suggestions for the name of our international day is welcome :)

  4. Your post makes me realize, I've mentioned adoption and various reasons why we didn't choose adoption in bits & pieces on my blog and in comments on others' posts. Probably the closest I've come to a more detailed answer as to "why we didn't adopt" was on Tracey Cleantis's blog, when she asked several childless/free bloggers to answer the question. My response was here:


    But if a bunch of us are doing en masse, I could adapt my answer for my own blog. ;) Safety in numbers, indeed. ;)

  5. I'm definitely in for doing this! I think the 28th sounds like a perfect day!
