Thursday, December 18, 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday to my Blog

My blog is celebrating third birthday today. This was my first post:

Writing blog and giving all the hard & ugly infertility feelings out there really helped me.
I already got a beautiful blog-birthday gift from a new bloggie friend. I got an email from her:
"...I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your blog.  I appreciate your courage, candor, and willingness to share your journey.  I'm sure it's therapeutic for you to write, but it's also so meaningful to me because reading the stories of others who have gone through/are going through the same things as me.  It helps me to not feel quite so lonely if that makes sense."

Yes,  it makes sense. And thank you for your email, it meant world to me.

Now I am off, for whole day Christmas event at work, I will be back in the evening to read all the best wishes either here or at: klara.soncek (at)



  1. Happy Blogging Anniversary, Klara! Wishing you all the best in year 4 and always. Happy holidays!

  2. Happy anniversary, Klara! Three wonderful years of blogging. Here's to many more.

  3. wow.....three years.....that´s great. Congratulations sweetheart !
    xoxo, Isa
