Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Sweet little princess

Every year I get an extra cute invitation from my cousin, to attend birthday party of her daughter. I never go. Attending birthday parties where there are tons of families with cute little children is just too hard. 

My cousin was angry at me for the first two years, she didn't understand. But now she accepted me for whom I am and we are OK. 

She still invites me, but she knows I will not come. 

I draw a first happy birthday card in 30 years and sent to cousin's daughter. I invited her for a fun Saturday this weekend (that includes reading books, baking pancakes with Nutella, being outside doing fun things together). I phoned her after she read the card, wished her happy birthday and asked her if she would come.

Her reply was: "Very gladly." 

I love that little 5-year-old princess.

1 comment:

  1. That's so sweet! And you know, she probably feels so much more treasured because you are having a special day for her, rather than just turning up at her birthday party that would be held whether you are there or not.
