Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I am the wrong person to complain to

A coworker (that I otherwise really like) complained to me today:
"I have a parent meeting today afternoon for three hours at school for my oldest one and tomorrow another parent meeting in the kindergarten for the little one. How I hate it! It is waste of time."

Dear parents - please do not ever complain to me again. I would love to waste my time on things like that.

(The only good thing is that I am becoming a master at getting the conversation back to safe work talk).


  1. I've occasionally used the "you're complaining to the wrong person" line.

    Good for you for being able to turn it back to a safe conversation!

    1. I may have to use your line the next time something similar happens with me.

    2. yes, it is perfect line (if complains somebody who knows my infertility story).

  2. I get that so much at work...I suppose I am now past the point of annoyance, and just think of the extra time I might have this evening :).

  3. Yeah, I had to respond to a friend who posted a complaint on FB about her kids waking her up early after the time change in the spring. I'd be happy to have a kid or two wake me up.

  4. I once had a coworker tell me I had no idea what real life was like because I didn't have kids. I was too miserable from infertility to realize I was still in the "honeymoon" stage 6 years after being married. I didn't want to get into it with her, so I just kept my thoughts to myself about how she had no idea what we had been through.

    1. dear Savannah,
      some people shouldn't talk. Ever again.
      Your coworker's words were cruel.
      hugs to you!

  5. Yup, been there. Recently a co-worker went on about going forth and back with hopping to places to pick or drop kids off in morning before office, moaning about loss of sleep.

    I said, "and I slept in late and got here just a minute ago" with a smile.

    Mean, I know, but hey.
