Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My sister

I had a nice long Easter weekend despite all the rain (my dog enjoys walks in all kinds of weather). And yesterday I had a visit: my sister and her 2-year-old daughter came for a visit. It was lovely to see them: I missed them both (her daughter is one of the sweetest children I have ever seen).

Here is the news. My sister is highly pregnant, she will have a baby in few weeks. And for the first time since our infertility journey began, I am actually looking forward to a new baby! It really seems that I am on a road to recovery.

To be frank - I am looking forward to the baby. But I still want to avoid all the exciment in the family, all the celebrations etc... so... Asia, here I come :) 
(baby will be born during our holidays)


  1. Being an aunt is special. :) It does not make up for not having our own kids, of course, but it's special & I think we appreciate it all the more when we don't have kids ourselves to spoil. Enjoy your new niece or nephew when you get back from vacation!

    1. thanks Loribeth! It will be a nephew. I hope he will be as cute as his little sister. She really is adorable!

  2. My sister had a daughter almost four years ago. I was able to look forward to the occasion, and I'm very excited they're coming to visit in a few weeks. It doesn't mean it's not sad at times - but I love being the doting aunt. I buy the best clothes for her!

  3. Have a WONDERFUL holiday and then have fun with your new nephew! :-D
