I have spent 10 years of my life writing a blog about life after infertility. I am glad I've been writing about that - it has helped me with the healing. But now I think I am done with it. The infertility took away too much from me. Now I want to focus on the life that I have and enjoy in small things.
But even if I don't want to mention that I don't have children, the fact is still there. I had a week off work and I wanted to go somewhere... just to change the scenery and have a little break. And I literally had no one to go with (my husband was very busy with work and all the rest have lives of their own that do not include having time for a holiday with me).
Instead of regretting being so alone I just booked the room at the seaside and went alone. I had a lovely time! I did a lot of walking and I even swam in the Adriatic for the very first time this year. I also took a first cycling tour, the ice cream was delicious!